‘Filling Holes’

With my project I am hoping to gather a body of interesting work which all subtly links. I decided to revert back to the direction in which my project was initially going, with ‘filling holes’ – which were mentioned in The Beatles song, ‘A Day In The Life’.

Tutor Kim give me a box of small plastic colourful cubes. I wasn’t sure what their purpose was, but instantly (after seeing them spill), I thought of how they may possibly be a good filler for a hole.


When I began adding the cubes to the broken down post (above), I initially planned on completely filling the chunk which was missing. As I was added more pieces, I realised that I did not have enough cubes to completely fill the space. I also found that the adhesive which I was using (silicone gun) was not the right one for such a large space.

I decided to stop this one and photograph my progress. I left it at that point and carried on searching for more holes to fill.


Filling the pavement cracks was an automatic desire, as the size of this crack in particular seemed to be the perfect size as I walked over it. The pieces slotted in this space very accurately. I felt that if someone was to walk past and see it they would be left questioning the installation.

Though this piece created enigma, I did not feel that it was as impacting as I had hoped.

I saw the two holes in the pavement (below) and was confused as to what their purpose was, or why they had been left there. They looked as though they had been left mistakenly in the ground, like cue dots on a film screen.

These were good holes to fill. As it was on a busy path they were small enough to fill within a matter of a few minutes. I got many funny looks, but that’s all part of the performance.


Adding a series of these small installations is part of my project to create unexpected moments of happiness within the public.

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